Monday, October 29, 2007


I've been trying to express my feeling in the shadow of the stupid situation i've been put in lately , I just couldn't .
I don't remember a time i felt that bad in my life , that whenever i remember what , and who i'm seemingly losing, i swear i can hear a tear screaming up there =( .

The thing is , this salfa doesn't want to end , and its upsides and downs r like that thing elly fel theme parks elly goes up and down till ppl throw up " i have no idea what its called and don't know if my eew explanation fulfilled ur imagination or not =p"

Today for example , started up rough but it's now so calm , but i know calmness won't solve this problem . This problem need a serious discussion sit , so everyone can rid away any hard feeling they're keeping for them selves.

Friendship is built upon trust , honesty and willing to express ur self to each other without any fear . If any of those were missing , the Friend Ship will sink so easily.

I wish things return to the same again , but i don't want this to happen by keeping our feeling inside and not confessing what really bother us about each other .

Allah ys'hl

P.S , i swear i'm good ppl ha =P

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