Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Intracranial Depression =(

The Day U Stop Needing Me , Is the Day When I Stop Living
Right Now .. I'm Dying =(

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tneen Group

Resource time , Doctor is lecturing about hemochromatosis (the only reason i know the name is grey's anatomy) .. ppl r quite , either to understand .. or just asleep.

Laughing ,talkative , hyperactive group of 4 girls ... just messing around at the back.

There where u find .. Tneen Group =p.

Tneen group is the name we call our self , formed by Me "AKA 93'noona" , Daloolz "AKA Broo6a" , Dooj "AKA Dr.devil" , Zanoobz "AKA The borj".

We're like the craziest, most loud group in the uni .. everyone who comes along during our talk either laugh as hard as they can , or just think we're total weirdoz =p.

We're cool baby !

The reason I'm talking about the group here is because of this.

now remember my "ma y7boony complex" , it turned out to be the most amazing complex ever =p ! i got a valentine's gift because of it , just to prove me wrong ,,, prove me more 3aaad =p !

Now , because i feel like i owe them something , and because it will be stupid to give them something now , and because i'm almost out of money =p "how nice of me to say that" , i decided to do something back ,,

To write about them here ... is my gift back "i bet they r like,,roses would be cool too =p"
anything with a (*) is a private tneen joke =p
There is no one crazier than daloolz
Talking to her makes problems shrink
The nicest person , always cool
thank god pepsi is not her fav drink *
3ad zanoobz she got the power
driving all crazy fei kl el streets
Carrying over the eiffel tower
and also a soul perfectly sweet
Dooj the brain of the crazy plans
The devil of the roof top (*)
we say we can't , she says u can
and if i hate my self , she says STOP!
Nothing Makes me better
Nothing Makes me b5eir
Only us together
fooling around fel square
god keeps us together 3maaati =D

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nothing .. Nothing to You

I try , to tell my self ur not special to me
Ur like everyone in my life , just passing by
I wish that my heart just agrees
It dances when seeing u , telling me its a lie
I lied , I thought i'm immune
Falling in love , was not in my plans
Clearly , i found out soon
when love wants to invade me , it surly can

Jealous, Crazy , Obsessed
want u badly to be mine
Messed up , Insane Posessed
crossing every colored line
When u smile , from happiness I sing
I cry my heart out when ur blue
U became my everything
When i'm nothing , Nothing to U

Just notice my feelings , give me recognition
Ur ignorance is lethal , killing me inside
U noticing this, is my total ambition
But I'll be in the spot in ur eyes which is blind


**Written After the hardest presentation i ever done , with bad mood , and clearly no elhamz..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Letter for reminder

My " ma y7boony complex" has been heard by many ppl this week .. and because i became close with many ppl last week ,, they knew about my complex closly ... and it became bigger somehow.

ok , a quick crash course
ma y7boony complex , is a condition i have bein ftra w ftra,where i think that everything wrong happens in this life is because of me ... and this wrongness lead to me not being loved by el ppl ,,the whole ppl .

this condition is a complication of my very low densitiy self esteem, doing harm to my system . and affecting my personality badly.

many ppl tried to prove me wrong but no one could do nothing about it
till today..
Dooj ,one of our tneen group and the closest friend i had from a tutorial group.. was trying today to prove me wrong but i shut her up like hell
so she did the most nice thing ever has been done to me

she sent me a reminder e mail , that whenever i look down at my self i just read it !

i think i had a tear while reading it " like a drop of water .. bs tb5rt bsr3a lolz "
she gave me like ,, a guid , of how to love ur self loooolz "dr. dooj phil"

i don't know if it will help , bs i really loved her trying !!!

doooj love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ( in an "INNOCENT" way =p =p =p =p =p )

Problem 7 Syndrome

yeah i know , there r many things in life more important than studying ....
Stupid valantine , i don't even know how to spell u .. 3mi ,i don't believe in u =p (sooo not "elly ma y6ool el 3nb" situation ha )
oscar's review .. postponded ... too much msha3'l fei my head
GCC conference .. well , once i have the pic i'll write something about the most tiring, long , amazing 4 days in my life.

Now .. back to studying , appearantly the reason why i'm alive..
Every unit , i have this , week of depression ,, like seriously depressed,,lma kl el nas r studying , and in their free time they begin to ask wsh feeeeeeeeeiha ... well .. it's problem 6 syndrome. half of the unit . where the bells begin to ding .. DING DING DING .. and me , hiding my ears , and pretending that it's just a faulse alarm.
Because last week was so full of conference , that i totaly forget about medical school .. the syndrome was postponded to this week .. where i am completely cluless of everything which says GI ... AAAAAAAAy yal GI bs..

Whoever thinks i'm a big nerd, i know u'll change ur idea now , once u know i haven't read a word other than my be loved anatomy .. and guess what, i'm even behind in anatomy !

God i'm soooooo messed up , don't know what to do , i wanna study ,,,,, but i just can't
please god help me w ehdeiny bl 3gl wl 9la7 and wfgna all el dof3a nfr nfr

ppl study ,,,,,,,, and wish for me to study

I hate medcine stupid medicine =p

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lost in LOST

Everybody who knows me well , they know that i don't love anything moderately .. i either hate it to death .. or just totally addicted to it .. working on the extremes .

My latest , or biggest addiction was on the TV hit series LOST. I heard about this series like i know many of u did but didn't really get why all the buzz till my cousin told me how obsessed she is with it and she really needed someone to talk with about it . So i thought since I've already watched a nice episode on MBC action , why not watch the whole thing.

in one week i finished 2 seasons .. and became seriously addicted ! Me and my cousin began t7leelation to every move of the series.

By the end of the summer i finished the whole 3 seasons and couldn't wait for 31th Jan 2008 to watch the 4th.

Ok , if u live in another planet and don't know what i'm talking about .. 1st get out of my blog =p . nah kidding it's ok , bs get educated shwy .

Lost is about number of survivors of a crashed flight " Oceana 815" .. who land on an island .. and begin to form a community filled with clashes between the different characters of the losties.

seems boring ? well wait .. the island isn't like a normal island... it's seriously crazy
it has powers that we discover episode by episode .. and mysteries still yet to be discovered in the next 2 seasons .

Yesterday , i watched season 4 premier .. and it made my day ! shklh an amazing season !!
anyone is lost in LOST? if ur not ,, get LOST ! =p