Monday, January 28, 2008

Today's Diaries

12 am Me drinking Red Bull trying to wake up to finish my presentation

1 am Me feeling some 7sheesh fei my brain,,bs what the hell , it's normal =p

2 am Me done with the presentation , not fully satisfied , but whatever ahm shei i attend and do it

3 am Me telling my room mate to stop playing and finish her presentation coz it's imp to attend

4 am Me sleeping after putting my almost dead mobile fel charger and setting the alarm at 8 am





?? am Me waking up fj2h ... asking my self .. is it before 8 , i didn't hear the alarm ringing .. but it feels so late...did i over sleep !!

??+1 min am Me looking at my mobile with a freaky face , omg it's off ! the stupid charger was busted !

??+2 min am Me looking everywhere for a watch and thinking "why didn't i fix my watch , r my room-mates here , am i late , am i early " .. me looking in the street is it dark or not"ofcourse it's day light i slept in the last hour of nightness" .. me rushing to the living room

??+3 min am Me thinking " why don't we have a watch in the living room !!!! ". Me looking at the laptop , yeah my only watch telling my self .

??+5 min am The laptop finaly starts to ysto3b in me just turned it on , and the watch says ...

11 28 am Me Freaking out like totaly , Me thinking i missed 2 tutorials , Me thinking omg , Me thinking why didn't any1 wake me up , me cursing the charger the mobile the red bull and the fact i don't have a watch ... me cursing my self now

11 45 am Me in the uni with a face that looks like "i just woke up" .. Me telling the gang the story with me laughing 3la el stupidity

12 30 pm Me doing ez3aj fel resource talking about how stupid i was ..

3 pm me filming a movie 7g el GCC conference , acting as if i was an Emarati wzeera or something... maybe if Emaraties r short .. it would be credible .Me thinking "r they?"

4 30 pm Me with ebo fel ml3b , waiting to start our game

6 30 pm Us finishing the 1st ever all AGU soccer torunment .. Lost but with pride =p " yeah right lolz"

7 pm Every muscle in my body is screaming , me walking like an old w7da, me thinking , i am an old w7da , me saying shut up .

9 pm Me ebo dooj dloolz rojo , eating 3la our table and 7shing fei 5lg allah

11 pm Laptopping

12 pm Laptopping =p

Friday, January 25, 2008


Ok , i'm in a mission .. to watch all the movies that are nominated for an oscar .. so every thursday i'll write a review of the movie i watched.
I'll be like those ppl who writes reviews in their blogs , pretending that they r that old guy who died mo mn zman that appeared in Good Morning America . He was cool he liked spidy =p.
Anyhow , I started with a movie that really caught my eyes .. Juno.

Juno (2o year old Ellen Page) is a 16 year old who gets pregnant by her best friend Paulie, Micheal Cera . She's 16 , for sure she won't keep the baby , so she decides to give it for adoption finding the Lorans (Jennifer Garner , Jasson Bateman) and deciding they r the best couple to have her "mistake" .

Through out the movie , we can c the suffering of the teen with the new life she has to face . How her father and step mom gotta deal with it , and the new decision the Lorans has to make.

El movie is so cute , funny , and has a point . But as i read in a review gbl ma i watch the movie , it really makes teen's pregnancy like a relatively easy thing to deal with .As Juno herself said to her father " And and what ah 30 or odd weeks we can just pretend that this never happened. "

Juno , or Ellen Page was so good in the movie and i know now why she's nominated for best actress. She really looked , very , ... pregnant lolz.

The movie is also nominated for best directing by Jason Reitman and best writing by Diabola Cody, well deserved too.

The one thing that the academy missed is nominating the original song for best song .. come on 3 nomination for enchanted give juno a break.

this song is officially my new song =p

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Just when I thought that i'm found by you
Just when my feeling of being lost wasn't there
All my thoughts were not meant to be true
Stupid i was to think that you care

I'm lost than ever , confused by the directions
don't know where to go , left or right
Lightened by your cruelty , blinded by your affection
I guess it will be safer if you're gone from my sight

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bad New Year

First day of new year , was the worst day ever .
Not only for me , actually if u compared it to the other ppl i know , it would be the altimate hell.
It was God will , when many ppl i know died .. with a shock left to the families and loved ones.

Make us think twice , before we think that this life is still young for us , that it will last for ever

يالله حسن الختام
الفاتحة على روح المرحوم راضي الابراهيم ..وعلى أرواح المؤمنين والمؤمنات
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(الحمد لله رب العالمين..الرحمن الرحيم..مالك يوم الدين ..إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين ..اهدنا السراط المستقيم..سراط الذين انعمت عليهم ..غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين)