Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lost in LOST

Everybody who knows me well , they know that i don't love anything moderately .. i either hate it to death .. or just totally addicted to it .. working on the extremes .

My latest , or biggest addiction was on the TV hit series LOST. I heard about this series like i know many of u did but didn't really get why all the buzz till my cousin told me how obsessed she is with it and she really needed someone to talk with about it . So i thought since I've already watched a nice episode on MBC action , why not watch the whole thing.

in one week i finished 2 seasons .. and became seriously addicted ! Me and my cousin began t7leelation to every move of the series.

By the end of the summer i finished the whole 3 seasons and couldn't wait for 31th Jan 2008 to watch the 4th.

Ok , if u live in another planet and don't know what i'm talking about .. 1st get out of my blog =p . nah kidding it's ok , bs get educated shwy .

Lost is about number of survivors of a crashed flight " Oceana 815" .. who land on an island .. and begin to form a community filled with clashes between the different characters of the losties.

seems boring ? well wait .. the island isn't like a normal island... it's seriously crazy
it has powers that we discover episode by episode .. and mysteries still yet to be discovered in the next 2 seasons .

Yesterday , i watched season 4 premier .. and it made my day ! shklh an amazing season !!
anyone is lost in LOST? if ur not ,, get LOST ! =p


Hopeless Poet said...

I watched few episodes and couldn't force myself to watch it all! I might watch it one day if someone got me the whole seasons and I am so damned bored!

Now I still have unwatched shows! I just don't have time to watch any :(

Reeminho said...

get lost =p !

!!!! u have to watch it all 3la b39' to understand the amazingness of this series
now everyone fel uni wants el episode bs they didn't watch it ,, and i'm like let me telllll u =p
they hate me now coz i'm puttin quotes in my nick name , a7rg'h 3leihm 5o5o5o =p

u have to watch it !!!!!!!!!!!

Hopeless Poet said...

I rather know the story from your nickname than to be forced to watch it :P