Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1st 3 weeks in Southampton .. ya cooly coolaah

I don't know what to say
I was walking today in the rain .. holding my 4 pound umbrella up .. realizing this could be the 1st time ever for me to talk in such a heavy rain.

It's weird how time flies .. every day when i'm at the bus stop i think .. I won't be here for longer than i was.

It's been wonderful staying here..being here..working here (though i haven't really """worked""" except for the past few days lolz)

I just love this place..

It's calm..friendly..and the weather is killing amazing. (to us not to them . it's raining all the time)

I don't think i wanna be back..just not yet ... =)


-mate said...

ollaah 4 pounds! '3aaalya. ga9yeen 3alaich, shafooch o5t el3arab!
ana a8oola ma nred elba7rain nred njaabel marwan bo 7ejla :S

o bel nesba lel weather, it sucks! e5trab my mobile o elseba el rain. 9ar ta8ryeeban 10 days kella raining. ma 9arat!

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