Thursday, June 26, 2008

Post Stress Disorder

Why is my life so ........

1- complicated
2- stupid
3- meaningless
4- empty
5- full of stuff that i can't appreciate

I'm so ........

1- complicated
3- pathetic
4- empty
5- full of stuff that i can't appreciate

All I Need is ..... to make me better

1- to stop hating me
2- a bitter song
3- a night full of tears
4- a poem says what's inside
5- some1 who understands me
6- U !


Anonymous said...

I like ur post stress disorder :P.
sometimes it feels like ur kindaa complicated & simple though :)
keep it up girl & get rid off ur post stress disorder :D
life is peice of cake ;)

-mate said...

5,6 I can help :p

Reeminho said...

i'm kinda complicated but simple true =p

i'm out of it lolz..i just needed to let stuff out which i did.


help gumus bs =p

Anonymous said...

The authoritative message :), funny...