Monday, August 6, 2007

Visa P3'oblemoz !!!

=( !

Today i called the visa ppl so i can assure my self 3la my dream trip to Barca. Assure my self l2no i've been having those bad dreams , like a civil war just heated up fel Catalan side, w abo el hws en something is missing .. like my pics didn't reach them , or i gave them the old passport ( that would be so unnoticeable !) !

My insecurity was fei its place ..(nothing wrong from my side).

Some technical problems with our visa to my fav country and they r trying to release it b4 our flight Saturday night .

now what's up with visas .. b9ra7a after el wla2 el brshloony for more than 7 years from my side i shouldn't be asked for their permission to let me pass to the land of the Nou Camp !

Isn't my love and devotion to the soul of their city .. and the constant

e5la9 fel 7lwa wl morrh .. isn't that enough to be called Visa !

Let me pass please with Visa of Love =( !


!*Robi*! said...

poor sister!!

Ma 3leeeeeeh in sha'a Allah 5air

If we didnt go it'd be fine mo nehaiyat el 3aaaalaaaam...<< bensbah le hehehehhe

Aham sheee nroooo7 Pa3'ee :D

It is a dream and its time to wake up..

Nice pic 3ala fekrah.

Reeminho said...

malt 3leish
so z3lana =(