It's amazing when u c something u always used to c it on TV or cards.
Paris sights which we saw today after ,finally , my parents agreed that we should go to the center of Paris for sight seeing especially when it's rainning and we decided not to go to Disney Land today.
We started in the Champ-Elysees (shanzilzeih =p),ate in Mcdonalds ana a7bh , then we walked back to the Arc de
Triomphe ( 8os el n9r =p ) which was amazing seeing it .. like wow !!! --it's too big to be taking in a single pic lolz

then we had to take the Mitro ( subway to Americans , Underground to Uk ppl) to c that real WoOoOoW thingy .. la mo thingy ... THING ,, Eiffel Tower .. there ,, right beside my eyes 

we wanted to go up ,, bs my phone was dead w i didn't want to go up without a camera .. and then the Q was soooo wajd and we were tired from all the walking and the mitro stations ( coz we live mn jd fei a6raf paris , so it took us wajd stations till we got there)
well now i'm in Pa3'i .. now i can say i've been here...
2morrow inshallah ,, even if it was rainning ,, we'll go to disney
it looks so cool from the out side w i'm sure it's MUCH COOLER from the inside
the weather here RoCkS by the way =)
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