when i adapted my cute lil baby i took it ,, like every proud mom ,, everywhere .. el uni , mn el b7rein ll s3oodyh w mn el s3oodyh ll b7rein we were best buds ! .. 7ta i took it with me behind seas ..
to Dublin and London last year .. where he lost his 1st tooth , and as i found out from the laptop dentist ( dell wkala ) en replacing it will cost me like 200 Riyals .. coz they will do a full dental repair ( they will replace el whole buttons ) .. so i thought .. isn't my baby cute with one button missing !!

and then .. another VERY unfortunate accident ,won't tell u what it is but my baby after it had to be constantly fed ( which we call fel medicine feild .. Vegetative State)

so computry el m7mool ,, isn't m7mool anymore .. it has to be in a location where electricity is on or it will simply .. die !
Now the bets r on .. is my baby gonna last another year .. or would i have to buy a brand new baby and u think if i take it to Barcelona and Paris .. would it lose more than a tooth ?
looooooooooooool nice nice wala ina ur lap top z a hero 3ashan et7amel kel hal m2asi :( ur soo mean :'(
allla a6awel fe 3mrah although i think u would want to replace it 3ashan el bs yr 4 :P :P walla u'll fail :p <<< shda5al :P
dafoora mn jd !!
give me el money w i'll change it =P
Allah y5lee my sister's baby w yb3ed 3anah 3eooon el 7esad<< men y7sedah ya 7asrah :s
Ed3oo lah be shefa'a he always has a fever
men kether mahoo fel kahraba :s
Allah ylhemah el9aber w elslowan hehehheh
Hey ,,
maskein ur laptop ,, u'r for sure the worst mother i've ever known :p
well , my advice z 2 get a brand new 1 ,, u know .. just to make him dead as ur last babies hehe :D
I think it's the time to get the second baby, may be he wiil get better If he has new brother or sister :P
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