Friday, February 15, 2008

Tneen Group

Resource time , Doctor is lecturing about hemochromatosis (the only reason i know the name is grey's anatomy) .. ppl r quite , either to understand .. or just asleep.

Laughing ,talkative , hyperactive group of 4 girls ... just messing around at the back.

There where u find .. Tneen Group =p.

Tneen group is the name we call our self , formed by Me "AKA 93'noona" , Daloolz "AKA Broo6a" , Dooj "AKA Dr.devil" , Zanoobz "AKA The borj".

We're like the craziest, most loud group in the uni .. everyone who comes along during our talk either laugh as hard as they can , or just think we're total weirdoz =p.

We're cool baby !

The reason I'm talking about the group here is because of this.

now remember my "ma y7boony complex" , it turned out to be the most amazing complex ever =p ! i got a valentine's gift because of it , just to prove me wrong ,,, prove me more 3aaad =p !

Now , because i feel like i owe them something , and because it will be stupid to give them something now , and because i'm almost out of money =p "how nice of me to say that" , i decided to do something back ,,

To write about them here ... is my gift back "i bet they r like,,roses would be cool too =p"
anything with a (*) is a private tneen joke =p
There is no one crazier than daloolz
Talking to her makes problems shrink
The nicest person , always cool
thank god pepsi is not her fav drink *
3ad zanoobz she got the power
driving all crazy fei kl el streets
Carrying over the eiffel tower
and also a soul perfectly sweet
Dooj the brain of the crazy plans
The devil of the roof top (*)
we say we can't , she says u can
and if i hate my self , she says STOP!
Nothing Makes me better
Nothing Makes me b5eir
Only us together
fooling around fel square
god keeps us together 3maaati =D


Anonymous said...

omg *tear* (bs tb5rt bsr3a=p) i wud have loved something more materially and big thing hehe im jk

and jst to add only u can think of stuff like that and make evry1 smile and laugh at the same timee =D (u shud have wrote one of ur contributions to the tneen grp=D)

PS. it was not bcuz of ur "ma y7boony complex" or for any of ur other complexes it was for U...remember that

Anonymous said...

Mimooooo thank u thank ehe ehe i would love to dedicate my success to my mozer and fazer :p j/k
thaaaank you for elkalam el7elo a5jalty tawa'9o3i la o ana awal esem b3ad (VIP :P) bs hatha ma ymna3 enech tyeben lena shy malmos shfaydat elkalam lol j/k
Walla Enty Keda Keda Ya Terela .. 3ash tneen group wooow ( dashat jaw elbnt lol )

Anonymous said...

hey there!!!

Nice to know such friends exist around in your university

god bless you all

Reeminho said...

dloolz and dooj thanks for passing by ,, i'm glad u liked it

anonymous wa7d ,, yeah they do exsist in everywhere bs no one like tneen group =p !

yallah salam